Step by Step Guide
In the Planning board
1. Right click in the desired shift (anywhere in the screen outside of the tasks boxes and select “Edit Shift Plan”.
2. In the “Available People/Equipment” Section in emerging windows, click on the specific resource to be lend to another process and “Lend to” and Select the Specific process.
3. After completing these steps, the selected person/equipment will be shown as “unavailable” for the “lender” process.
In the Shift Schedule Screen
1. Go to the Shift schedule screen.
2. Select the department and scroll down to the process swim lane.
3. In the available people and equipment box, rigth click on the people or equipment to lend.
Note: You can only lend to other process within the same department.
4. Click 'Lend to'.
5. Select the process to lend the resource.
Borrowed resource will be in the unavailable box of the lender and the resource will be in the available box of the borrower. The lender can no longer use the resource.
Unborrow resources
1. Go to the lender's unavailable box then right click on the resource.
2. Click 'Unlend'.
3. You can also do this step, go to the borrower's available box then right click on the borrowed resource.
4. Click 'Unborrow'.
5. The resource will return to the available box of the lender and can now use the resource.