My Shift Resourcing, a screen that caters to Shift Supervisors who are responsible for creating operational shift plans. This feature builds upon the existing weekly and 24h plans in CiteOps by providing process owners with an easy way to allocate planned tasks to locations, equipment, and personnel. This feature also shows utilization of resources (equipment, people and location).
1. The My Shift Resourcing screen button is located right under Scheduler.
2. Choose processes from the dropdown button.
3. Select date and shift
There are 3 main sections of MSR.
1. Notes
2. Resource Allocation
3. Check Utilization
Capture Shift and Safety Notes.
Similar steps in adding shift and safety notes in the Shift schedule screen. Refer to this article How to add Shift and Safety Notes?
Resource Allocation
Flexible approach to allocating people and equipment, that can be Equipment Driven, People Driven, Task Driven and Location Driven.
Equipment Driven screen: Assigning tasks, people and location to equipment.
1. If there are operators configured in CiteOps, drag and drop names of people to the equipment to assign people to it. The ‘+’ button is used to add/lend resources.
2. Quick filter to only show specific equipment.
3. Skills and qualifications management capabilities. This ensures that the right resources are allocated to the right work at the right time.
4. Shift Tasks: Tasks scheduled for the selected process.
To do Task: Also referred as planned task. Drag and drop a task in the middle (5) to schedule additional task.
Standard Tasks: Show list of Standard tasks configured on the selected process. Drag and drop standard task in the middle (5) to schedule additional task.
5. This is where the list of equipment is located to assign task and people to it.
6. Refers to the equipment utilisation. The calculation is based on the total duration of tasks the equipment was assigned divided by the effective shift length which is 12hours.
7. If there are people and equipment on leave and on maintenance it will be shown in these sections respectively.
People Driven screen: Assigning tasks, equipment and location to people.
This screen will not be relevant to Goonyella because they are not managing people. Though, the logic of this screen is similar to equipment driven screen. The only difference is that equipment are assigned to people.
Task Driven screen: Assigning equipment, people and location to scheduled tasks.
1. Drag and drop equipment to assign to the task. Green highlight means the equipment wasn’t assigned yet. The ‘+’ button is used to add/lend resources.
2. Quick filter to only show specific tasks with the task type selected.
3. Location section: Drag and drop location to the tasks scheduled (4) to assign location to it.
To do Task: Also referred as planned task. Drag and drop a task in the middle (4) to schedule additional task.
Standard Tasks: Show list of Standard tasks configured on the selected process. Drag and drop standard tasks in the middle (4) to schedule additional task.
4. These are the tasks scheduled.
5. If there are people and equipment on leave and on maintenance it will be shown in these sections respectively.
Location Driven screen: Assigning equipment, people and tasks to locations.
1. Drag and drop equipment/people to assign to the task. Green highlight means resources wasn’t assigned yet. The ‘+’ button is used to add/lend resources.
2. Quick filter to only show specific locations. Priority locations are locations wherein the Priority tick box was ticked in the location settings. All other locations without Priority tick box ticked will show in the Backup Locations.
3. Shift Tasks: Tasks scheduled for the selected process.
To do Task: Also referred as planned task. Drag and drop a task in the middle (4), in a specific location to assign the task to the location.
Standard Tasks: Show list of Standard tasks configured on the selected process. Drag and drop a task in the middle (4), in a specific location to assign the task to the location.
4. List of locations to assign task, equipment and people to it.
5. If there are people and equipment on leave and on maintenance it will be shown in these sections respectively.
Within the Resource Allocation, there is an Undo functionality . When changes have been made (notes written or resources assigned), they will be saved automatically for 5 seconds. The user has the ability to cancel them prior to the 5 seconds by clicking on the “Undo” button that appears as a pop-up at the bottom left corner of the screen (1). Or click “x” to delete equipment, people, location or task (2).
Check Utilization
A quick visualization of how well you have utilised your people, equipment, and locations during the shift.
People and equipment
This can be used to view which people/equipment are available to assign during the shift. 0hr means the equipment is available and 12hr means fully utilized. Ideally, 12hrs is the maximum duration of task the equipment should be assigned. If it exceeds 12hr, the duration of the task might be exceeding 12hrs or the resource was assigned to multiple tasks which the total duration exceeds 12hrs. Split the task so that the maximum duration will only be 12hrs and the splits will be scheduled in other shifts or assign different resources to the task which are available and haven’t been assigned yet.
1. Example 1 shows that the location have been fully utilized with one task scheduled.
2. Example 2 shows that there are two tasks scheduled and at some point both will be executed at the same time. This might be unrealistic and need to adjust the second task to start after the 1st task is completed.
3. Example 3 shows that these locations are underutilized. There are time slots that task/s can be scheduled.