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How to shadow to multiple processes?
How to shadow to multiple processes?

In this article, you'll learn about the Multi-Process Shadow Task functionality

Paula Daniel avatar
Written by Paula Daniel
Updated this week


From version 25 onwards, CiteOps includes the option to shadow tasks to Multiple Processes.
You now have the option to specify:

  • The purpose of shadowing

  • If the task is shadowed as only informational

  • If the task needs all involved processes to accept it to be printed

How do you shadow a task to multiple processes?

There are two ways you can shadow a task to multiple processes:

Option 1 - Edit Task Screen:

  1. Right-click on the task and click "Edit" to access the Edit Task Screen

  2. Select the processes you'd like to shadow your task to from the drop-down list or the search bar

Option 2 - Context Menu via Right-click:

  1. Right-click on the task to access the Task Context Menu

  2. Select "More"

  3. Select "Shadow to"

  4. Access the processes drop-down list or search bar to select the processes you'd like to shadow your task to

  • You can also double-click on the task to access the Edit Task Screen

  • This applies to all the screens where you can edit tasks (Planning Board, Scheduler, and Shift Schedule Screen)

How do you configure add-on elements of the Shadow Task?

Note: Add-on elements of a shadow task include the reason for shadowing, if it is only informational, or if all the processes needed to accept the task for it to be printed

There are two ways you can configure add-on elements of a shadow task:

Option 1 - Edit Task Screen:

  1. Right-click on the task and click "Edit" to access the Edit Task Screen

  2. Complete the add-on elements of the shadow task

Option 2 - Context Menu via Right-click:

  1. Right-click the task to access the Task Context Menu

  2. Select "More"

  3. Select "Shadow to"

  4. At the end of the process drop-down list, you can select the add-on elements of the shadow task

  • A blue info icon will appear when the task is an informational shadow task

  • A yellow warning icon will appear when all selected processes need to accept the task

  • Upon accepting a shadow task, the 'Enter shadow comment' pop-up screen appears

  • Upon rejecting a shadow task, the user is required to enter the rejection reason

How do you specify the required resources from Shadowed Processes?

  1. Right-click on the task and click "Edit" to access the Edit Shift Plan Task Screen

  2. The required resource table is displayed with the 'Add Resource' option, so users can select the resources they need

  3. You can add more required resources rows if you need them, by clicking on "Add Required People/Equipment"

How do you accept/reject shadow tasks?

  • On the Planning Board, Shift Schedule, 24/48 hours Schedule & Weekly Schedule screens you can click on "Accept" or "Reject" directly from the task

  • On the Scheduler Screen, you can click on "Tick" to accept or "Cross" to reject, directly from the task

  • You can reverse your choice by double-clicking on "Accept" or "Reject" (or clicking on the reverse icon when using the Scheduler Screen)

Other shadow task-related activities

  • Moving shadow tasks between shifts: Only the originator process of the shadow task can move the shadow task to a new shift. When an accepted / pending / rejected shadow task is moved to a new shift then the acceptance status of this shadow task will be pending

  • Moving shadow tasks to the Standard Tasks or Planned Tasks panel on the Planning Board screen: Only the originator process of the shadow task can move the shadow task to the Standard Tasks or Planned Tasks panel on the Planning Board.

  • Moving shadow tasks from the Standard Tasks or Planned Tasks panel to a shift on the Planning Board screen: Only the originator process of the shadow task can move the shadow task from the Standard Tasks or Planned Tasks panel to a shift on the Planning Board. When a shadow task is moved to a shift then the acceptance status of this shadow task will be pending.

  • Duplicating shadow tasks: Only the originator process of the shadow task can duplicate the shadow task. When an accepted / pending / rejected shadow task is duplicated then the acceptance status of the newly created shadow task will be pending.

  • Splitting shadow tasks on the Scheduler screen: When an accepted / pending / rejected shadow task is split in half on the Scheduler screen then the acceptance status of the newly created shadow task will be pending.

  • Shadowing a multi-shift task: Only one task of the multi-shift task can be shadowed by one or more processes.

  • Creating a multi-shift task from a shadow task: When a multi-shift task is created from an accepted / pending / rejected shadow task then the acceptance status of the newly created shadow tasks will be pending.

Multi-Process Shadow Task Video

You can also watch this video for more information about Multi-Process Shadow task.

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